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How To Choose A Multivitamin + A Recommendation [Nutrigold Women's Multi Gold]

Happy Monday! Is anyone else floored by how FAST this year is already moving?! I've been so inspired to create new content since I attended ShiftCon last weekend (I promise to do a recap this week) and have been sitting on this topic (and many others) for quite some time.

How To Choose a Multivitamin

I really feel there is a confusion or frustration on how to choose a multivitamin. Many people, maybe even you, have NO idea where to start. The fact that you want to start is great, but are you the type that goes up and down the vitamin isle at your local natural grocery store, scratching your head, reading ingredients while thinking "WTH IS THAT AND WHY DO I NEED IT?!", get so frustrated to the point that you give up and leave empty handed? If you answered yes,

That's where I come in!

So, let's start with the basics.

How To Choose a



According to government researchers, this is considered the minimum amount of a vitamin or mineral that you should be consuming daily to prevent a nutrient-deficiency disease. Find a multi that fulfills this or comes very close! Some vitamins such as Vitamin C may meet or exceed 100% DV depending on your needs, which is okay! ALSO, an asterisk * means there is no set DV, such as herbs or omega fats. You'll probably want to buy those separately if you're looking for a therapeutic dose anyways. Some ingredients and herbs are just added because they're trendy or to take up space. Many herbs need a certain or specific amount to actually be beneficial! You're better off sticking to high quality, whole-food nutrients as the base!


Like Oprah would say, "You get a vitamin, you get a vitamin, and you get a vitamin!" Today, there are specialized multivitamins for all walks of life ranging from children, teens, women, men, pre and postnatal, seniors and those who may have allergies. Choose what works for you!


Multivitamin tends to also mean multiple pills. Many of the essential vitamins and minerals in multis (vitamin A, D, E and K) are fat-soluble, so make sure to take them at a meal with a good amount of fat, or a scoop of peanut butter or yogurt in the morning if you skip breakfast!


Natural sources are always better than synthetic! "The natural form of vitamin E is absorbed twice as well as synthetic, but it’s really hard to tell the difference. On supplement labels, natural vitamin E is listed as “d-alpha-tocopherol” while synthetic is “dl-alpha-tocopherol.” The only difference is the 'l'. Sneaky, huh? [1]


ALWAYS choose a multi that is plant-sourced! Clean, organic and non-GMO ingredients are the way to go. Choose a company with transparency that has sustainable practices that you can trust! You get what you pay for!


Many commercial vitamins have magnesium stearate or other chemical additives as binders or fillers that have NO nutritional value at all. Avoid these and look for clean ingredients!


Okay, so we've got the basics down on how to choose a multivitamin. GREAT. Pay attention to daily value, pick the best age-appropriate multi, go with all-natural, quality, and preferably organic ingredients.

Now what? What brand do you choose? I'm going to let you in on a little insider secret. NOT ALL BRANDS ARE CREATED EQUAL! There are a handful of supplement brands (maybe even two handfuls) that I fully trust when it comes to their ingredients, products, and business practices, which is why you should check out Nutrigold.

WHY? Nutrigold was one of the main sponsors as Shiftcon because their business practices align with eco health and wellness! Nutrigold also embodies all things that I am passionate about: Plant-Based Whole-Food nutrition, clean, organic ingredients, no fillers, sustainability, accountability and transparency. Awesome, right? YES!

Nutrigold Products are:

Certified Organic

Non-GMO Verified

Certified Vegan

Kosher Certified

Certified C.L.E.A.N. (Independently verified to be safe, nourishing, and bioavailable)

Whole-food vitamins and minerals

gentle and easy-to-digest

high potency

Plant-sourced vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and E from organic berries and fruits, and Iodine from organic kelp

Bioactive forms of B-12 and K2

Free of herbal blends that are in doses too low to be beneficial



No chemical additives, binders, or fillers

No synthetic preservatives

Gluten-free/no allergens

Packaged in eco-friendly glass bottles and tree-free cartons

The list goes on, but you get the idea! Choose a company that puts out quality products. You'll see and feel the difference! Nutrigold offers a range of organic multivitamins such as Men's & Women's One Daily Multi Gold, Three Daily, Men's & Women's 40+, 55+, Prenatal Multi Gold, B-Complex, and Single Vitamin and Minerals available in even higher potencies. Please check them out and let me know what you think! Comments or questions? Comment below!

*Disclaimer* This isn't a sponsored post, but I did get some free product. I am recommending these because they are a high quality product that I really enjoy!


[1] Delicious Living Magazine

[2] Nutrigold

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